
Friday, December 12, 2014

Growing up, I was always pushed to follow traditions, customs and holidays but I never really understood any of them. As my sisters and I grew older, we drifted from those traditions. This is the reason that I wasn't a really religious person among other events that made me loose faith. I recently realized that its because of my lack of faith that things were not running smoothly and was not blessed. I didn't deserve to be. This past Sunday December 7, we woke up early, dressed in our Sunday best and headed to a great gathering. A gathering of people who, unlike me had not lost their faith and dedication. Each passing minute more and more people surrounded the beautifully decorated cars and watched the eccentric dancers ready for that two mile march. This march is called Peregrination or Peregrinacion in Spanish. It is a Mexican tradition celebrating the Virgin of
Guadalupe's Birthday. shrines along with dancers with their most amazing costumes celebrating their most sacred cultures march along. Some sing to her, some pray Hail Mary the whole way and others just reflect while listening to the "Banda." Mass begins when we arrive at the Church. Once again this small amount of time is used for reflection on the past year, on the upcoming Holidays and on the fast approaching New Year. Afterwards there is food, drinks and more "dansas" and music from the "Banda." This experience was definitely eye opening of the lack of tradition and unity in my life and how humbling it is to endure a two mile walk with 4 inch heels. That day was so much more than a march, or burritos or people. It was about what was truly missing in my life and in my heart. Never loose your faith in anybody or anything. Your beliefs are what make you, you and what guide you through your righteous path. Eyes up my beautiful friends, someone is always looking after you.

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