Prints at Night

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I love the feel of this place. Beauty versus danger. In fact, this night almost got us attacked by a pack of wild dogs. This was not the original location that I had in mind but it actually turned out even better. A little advice for your stressed out mornings scrambling to find something to wear to work that you haven't already: just stop! Stop trying to match prints and colors and shoes with purses. Life is a constant struggle and you're not perfect, therefore your clothes shouldn't be either. Mix and match, and who cares if something is not in season or if you're wearing last summer's styles. Trust
me, nobody is looking at that, what people see is the confidence that you present. Don't try to be someone your're not or wear something that you are not comfortable in just because everyone else is wearing it. Most of the time I look at what is "in" and I just shrug it off. If its not for me I'm not spending a dime. I try to invest in hidden gems and articles of clothing that I know nobody else has or has seen and pair it with the most unlikely thing in my closet. For example a loose button down with a bold bodycon skirt or a casual sleeveless vest with a dress pant. Try it, I promise it is a lot of fun. Just think "What pant would I never wear this top with," and then DO wear it with that pair of pants or jeans. That is exactly how you create an entire new wardrobe without actually buying anything new. Please say you will try it and do report back to me! Best of luck fashionista.

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